Senin, 31 Agustus 2015

Hei kamu!

ah cinta dunia, begitu fana
ah cinta manusia, begitu merana

Hei kamu yang hidup dalam khayalanku,
jadilah nyata!
jangan membuatku sengsara,
di dunia nyata!

Bukan dia maksudku,
tapi engkau!
Apa kau tak sadar,
dirimu meracau?

Bahkan jika aku ingin menggenggam gula,
yang kudapat hanya segenggam
Tetapi jika aku menggenggammu
yang kudapat seluruh alam

Tak Seperti Geten

"In truth, this world is not eternally inhabited
It is more transient than dewdrops on the leave of grass, or the moon reflected in the water.

After reciting the poetry of flower at Kanaya, all glory is now left with the wind of impermanence.

Those who leisurely play with the moon of southern tower, now hide in the cloud of Saṅkhāra.

Human life lasts only 50 years, Contrast human life with life of Geten, It is but a very dream and illusion.

Once they are given life from god, there is no such thing don't perish.

Unless we consider this a very seed of awakening, it is a grievous truth indeed"

Atsumori -- Zeami Motokiyo